Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Urban Granola with a touch of Redneck

All these years I have been wearing my Sorels (snow boots)…
Since 1998 when I first got them…
All those years I thought for sure I was cool to wear them everywhere.
Stevens Pass, Plain, Seattle, Olympia…  I was making a fashion statement that said “I DON’T CARE if you don’t think these are cool, because I DO, and I actually need them in the snow.  So stop looking at my feet like that.  Yes I know it’s not snowing here but I just got off the mountain ok?.”

My friend Emma described my style as "Urban Granola, with just a touch of Redneck".  LOVE IT. Thanks E.

Well who would have thought.
You know what’s on the FRONT cover of the new JCrew catalog?  Sorels.

They sell them now.  As a cool fashion winter boot.  There goes my individuality.  But at least now I KNOW I am in style.  Take that fashionistas – I am way ahead of you on this one!!

I may have been rockin these kicks while dancing with a fire hoola-hoop.

Or while playing in the snow with the dogs and Steven.

Perhaps while I was out shoveling snow.

Or getting a Christmas tree with friends.  (Note - they are under the gaiters)

I may have rocked them while hanging out in L.Town.

Or I may have worn them with tights and a skirt?  Not likely :)  But now that I know it's another socially accepted practice in the fashion world... who knows?


Kendra Renae said...

I refuse to believe it... even if J-Crew says its cool. Now I did see some rockin Burberry snow boots at nordstrom last week.

brooke said...

hahahaha!!! this is hilarious AND AWESOME!!! don't know if i could do it...are wellies acceptable snow boots?!?! but if a j.crew stylists says they're the boot to have i am gonna say it must be...they do no wrong in my fashion book...they always put together my favorite looks!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

You were ahead of the trends! Maybe J Crew ganked your style. ah ha