Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Hello family and friends.

I am still here, really I am. 
I have lots of material to write about, really, I do!
I am just having trouble finding time...

Still learning how to balance working full time and managing two kiddos and a house. 
And trying to find time for myself in between.
I have this problem where I hate doing anything half-assed... which means that sometimes it just doesn't get done (blogging, creating, talking on the phone). 
I dislike posts where I can't elaborate, or don't have pictures. 
I dislike starting a craft and then leaving it on the kitchen table for 2 weeks (ahem, baby blanket...  probably have 2-3 weeks more to go...) 
I dislike calling people to chat when I know I can only talk for 10 minutes. 
I just want to be good great at everything I do, the first time, every time, and when I can't I get flustered!
And so I just concentrate on the basics like playing with kids, feeding them, working, and trying to keep up with the laundry and vacuming loads of dog hair out of the corners. 
That's what I am doing now. 
Hopefully I'll find a better balance sooner than later so that I can stop neglecting things that I enjoy :)

So, all that being said...
I do love writing and sharing pics and blogging and will continue to do so :)
Just wanted to make sure y'all know I didn't forget about you.
And wanted to have more than just one post in January!

I'll leave you with the latest from the kiddos.

Love Jenn

 Seriously mom, not now, I'm eating!

Look at me, all sitting up by myself!  What you don't know is that seconds after this photo is taken I will lean sideways and the weight of my big giant head will carry the rest of my body down on the couch.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

3rd Draft

This is the third post I have started since the new year.  I just can't seem to actually finish a thought, apparently!  They are all fun ones too...  well maybe I will get around to posting them someday :)  Maybe not, who knows.

I finally have time (I think) and a subject for a new post.  I really like to post when I have pictures to share, and alas my camera has not been clicking away lately.  So this will be strictly a text update for y'all.

Yesterday Forest had his 4 month checkup at the doctors office.  So Steve and I took the whole family in for flu shots as well, and running errands.  You know - Costco, Pak-It-Rite, Safeway, the bank(s), Walmart, Jerry's Auto Supply (obviously that was not my errand).  Shots and appointment went well.  Olaf didn't even cry!  Forest did though, poor little guy.  When I say cry, I mean CRY.  Luckily he passed out sleeping when we got back into the car. 

We finally found out how big Forest was!
Weight: 14lbs.  (25th percentile)  He's a little dude!
Height: 25inches (45th percentile)  Pretty average for height.
Head: 18inches (100th percentile) Holy freaking orange on a toothpick, Batman.

Bonus on having a smaller second child - he can wear Olaf's clothes a lot longer!  Yeehaw!  I am all for saving money on children's clothes.  In all actuality, I don't have to spend any money on them, since we get fabulous hand-me-downs from the cousins and friends in Plain.  Between Christie and I we could probably outfit 5 or 6 children Olaf's age.  What a blessing!  Of course because I can't resist a good clearance rack, both kids will still continue to get a new outfit here and there.  And then there's always grandma(s) too.

The kids are just FUN these days.  No, it's not always easy, and yes, sometimes I want to cover my ears and eyes and ignore the noise or tantrum or mess before me...  but it's not that often.  Our family of 4 is adjusting just fine, and enjoying life as we go.