Sunday, July 22, 2012

wrapping up some big events

Well, softball season is officially over.  We won 2 games in the tournament this weekend but lost the next two and were out :(   Ah well, a jump in the river afterwards proved to be a good way to forget about my (oops) couple of errors in the last game.  Can't change it now!  I am looking forward to having my Tuesday and Thursday nights back, though I will miss that cross section of people on the team -- since aside from my dad, I only see most of them for 5 minutes after Church on Sundays.  It has been such a blessing to play on a team that is both encouraging and fun to play with -- but also good ball players!  We took 4th out of 11 teams in regular season play, so not too shabby there.  Especially since half the teams only had young kids (like 18-30 year olds) on their teams and we were rocking 26 to 73 year olds :)  And still winning.  And most teams only played 3 girls at a time and we commonly played 5.  And still won.  Ah yes, my competitive spirit definitely enjoyed this season.

And now I've attended four wedding this summer (phew!) and had the privilege of being in one last weekend for my sweet friend Charlotte.  I've known her since my first week at work here at DOT in Wenatchee, as we started at about the same time.  Another good friend, Emma, was in the wedding also, so it was fun to spend all that time with her as well.  The wedding deserves a whole post all it's own once I get a few pictures from the day, but for now I'll just say it was the most relaxed and easy going wedding I have been to in a while!  And no bridezilla people -- Charlotte was awesome!  It was fun.  To say the least.  (also I may have performed my first keg-stand later in the evening... so you know it was a good party...  and we may have jumped in the pool fully dressed after the rehearsal dinner (sober) just for fun, including all the bridesmaids... and the mother of the bride too... loved it!)

Emma and I before stepping out the door for the ceremony.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

lovey dovey -- a day late

(Let's pretend I posted this yesterday on the 10th like I meant to...)

8 years ago I was 23 years old, fresh out of college, stars in my eyes. (just a baby!)
8 years ago I was actively climbing, hiking, surfing, skiing, running and loving my dogs
8 years ago I was a wee EIT.
8 years ago I could fit into a size 2 petite.
8 years ago I had some amazing friends, and didn't yet know some of my now close friends.
8 years ago it was kind of cold out! (photo evidence of jeans and puffy jackets)
8 years ago I married my best friend :)

Today I am 31, have a real job with a retirement plan and 3 mortgages.  (old! ish! yikes!)
Today I am active when I can be, but mostly that involves chasing children around the yard or walking to the irrigation ditch
Today I am a licensed PE.
Today, well, I am not a size 2 petite anymore!! 
Today I am still great friends with all those originals, but have added a slew of new super fun ones too.
Today is flippin’ 100 degrees
Today I am still married to my best friend.  2 kids, 2 dogs, 3 houses and a heck-of-a lot of ups and downs later and we still love each-other.  How about that?!

I’ve heard that absence makes the heart grow fonder… no wonder we like each other so much!  Ha ha :)  Can’t wait to see that husband of mine soon.  Who says you have to celebrate your anniversary on the actual day?  We haven’t done any year yet and it’s still just as fun when we do have a chance!  Plus it takes the pressure off the actual day.

Love you Steven.
I love our life.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Kids (AKA remembering things that I never remember to put in a baby book)

 I have not been nearly as good at keeping track of Forest's milestones as I was for Olaf.  Typical of the second child, right?  I was doing really well - every time that little fella did something new, I wrote it in my "notes" on my iPhone and had a nice running list.  Then somehow after Steve got an iPhone and our accounts linked and our notes synched and whatever, that list of notes got deleted into cyberspace never never land.  I cried when I realized they were all gone.  So bear with me as I take a moment, for me, to write these things down so I can look back and remember them farther down the road! 

Olaf.  Big 4 year old boy now!  He just had a checkup and he is 40.5 lbs and 40.5 inches tall.  Which means for those of you without growth charts in front of ya that he is an average height for his age, and slightly over the average weight.  Well, he's not a toothpick!  Which we already knew :)

Olaf can count to 50 by himself, and to 100 with a little prompting.  He's been doing this since he was about 3 1/2.  Crazy and fun!  I credit our superior academic genes (ha ha ha) and his pre-school that he loves with some great teachers.  He also knows all the letters in the alphabet by sight, and can write his own name.  Reading, I suppose, is the natural progression, however I don't think he is super motivated just yet.  He'd rather be read to, and doesn't seem to want to put in the work to sound things out.  I am not pushing it though, he'll read when he reads!

Olaf is still a hilarious conversationalist.  Case in point: our conversation over bratwurst this last Saturday:

Me: "Olaf, did you know that Chira is going to be on the preschool side at Cashmere kids when you go back on Monday?"
Olaf: "What!, seriously, are you kidding me?"
Me: "Yup.  Are you excited?"
Olaf:  "Oh yeah, that is totally wicked."

I died.  And almost fell of my chair laughing.

He got a new bike with pedals for his birthday!  Like rock climbing, he was stoked on it...until it tipped over with him on it.  Now he is being SUPER cautious with it.  He's my reserved one, that Olaf.  Definitely not much of a risk taker if he knows the consequences to the actions might hurt :) At this rate Forest may ride a bike faster than Oly!

Foresty Forester, sweet baby of mine, is a crazy runner/climber, who still likes to take about 4 hours worth of naps a day (sweet blessing!) and doesn't like to eat food unless he is in the mood.  I never know if he'll eat the sandwhich/macaroni/chicken/veggies until it's in front of him.  If all else fails, he will always eat granola bars, chicken nuggets, blueberries and croutons. And yogurt.  Perfectly balanced right?  I had resorted to making him smoothies full of spinach to get his veggies, until I broke not one but two blenders...  so we are back to carrot sticks and cucumber slices since he'll eat those!  Raw foods are supposed to better anyway, right?  All this non eating means he's the opposite of his brother in weight gain.  He's a slight little fella, definitely built more like my sisters and I at that age than his chunko daddy was!

In his 22 months, Forest has shown us he is more of a risk taker.  He'll climb anything.  And then roll off.  Or jump.  He runs full speed wherever he goes, and when he inevitably falls into the asphalt or gravel and scrapes his knees, then just picks himself back up and keeps on running.  Usually trying to keep up with Olaf, of course!  From what I hear, this is typical younger brother behavior :)

Forest is just starting to string two and three words together.  "Mama eat now".  "Abba (Olaf) ah-ba (Granola bar)" (that's my favorite sentence -- Abba ahba.) "Mine water peace"  "Hello mama, bye bye."  "Yay go!"  (let's go).  "Abba wide bike.  Mine bike"  "Big Twuck.  VOOOOOOm!"  "Lellow bus" (for the record, every color is yellow to him).  And I credit Julie's kids with teaching him the offbeat animal sounds too -- cayotes say "YIP! YIP!" and wolves say "AWHOOOO!"

Forest and Olaf are turning into quite personable little fellas.  Which is good, since we have guests in and out all the time, and family and friends to visit with many nights a week.  Life is never dull with these two scallawags!

Monday, July 2, 2012


Wow, this keeping up with blog posts thing is hard, apparently!  June 5th is the last time I posted, seriously?  Well, June was a busy busy month.  I have a feeling that for the rest of our lives, this fact will never change: June will always be a busy busy month :)

Between June 5th and now... we did a lot of fun things.
A dear friend from camp got married (in Leavenworth) and we had a fun mini-TTR reunion there.
Olaf had a birthday party.
I had a birthday (31).
Two other dear friends got married and threw a heckofa party.
Steve and I went on a week long rafting trip on the Rogue River (sans kiddos).
Olaf had a birthday (4).
We crammed in as much gardening as possible.  (not much).
Interspersed with work, and softball games too (mine).
And also Jenny and her kiddos stayed for a week so her kids and Olaf could go to Vacation Bible School together!
Best of all... my sister Kirsten had her baby!!  Little Elsa Katherine Encinas.  Born yesterday July 1st :)
We are tired.
Need a vacation from all this vacation!
But seriously, all those events were well worth it, spent with treasured friends.

I'd like to do a few separate posts on things, but in case I don't, here's a few photos to share of our good times.

Headed on for a night in Chelan for Charlotte's bachelorette party.  "BOOM"

Future troublemakers of America, Forest and Dudley

Hello Mommy!

My lupine bloomed!

Cake by Cindy Rumann, won at a dessert auction.

Birthday fuN!

Birthday hike with friends from Cashmere Kids.

Mariya and I

Jenny reading the first of many stories... she's a sucker :)

Forest and Jenny in the wagon headed to the wedding.

Olaf and I on the wagon ride.

Packing for the Rogue.

Sleepy on our way to Annie and Poppy's for the week!

My favorite shoes, my favorite tan lines.

VBS Rocks!

Elsa Katherine and I.

Isn't she just a sweetie?

Big brother Aleksandr meeting her for the first time!!