Sunday, July 22, 2012

wrapping up some big events

Well, softball season is officially over.  We won 2 games in the tournament this weekend but lost the next two and were out :(   Ah well, a jump in the river afterwards proved to be a good way to forget about my (oops) couple of errors in the last game.  Can't change it now!  I am looking forward to having my Tuesday and Thursday nights back, though I will miss that cross section of people on the team -- since aside from my dad, I only see most of them for 5 minutes after Church on Sundays.  It has been such a blessing to play on a team that is both encouraging and fun to play with -- but also good ball players!  We took 4th out of 11 teams in regular season play, so not too shabby there.  Especially since half the teams only had young kids (like 18-30 year olds) on their teams and we were rocking 26 to 73 year olds :)  And still winning.  And most teams only played 3 girls at a time and we commonly played 5.  And still won.  Ah yes, my competitive spirit definitely enjoyed this season.

And now I've attended four wedding this summer (phew!) and had the privilege of being in one last weekend for my sweet friend Charlotte.  I've known her since my first week at work here at DOT in Wenatchee, as we started at about the same time.  Another good friend, Emma, was in the wedding also, so it was fun to spend all that time with her as well.  The wedding deserves a whole post all it's own once I get a few pictures from the day, but for now I'll just say it was the most relaxed and easy going wedding I have been to in a while!  And no bridezilla people -- Charlotte was awesome!  It was fun.  To say the least.  (also I may have performed my first keg-stand later in the evening... so you know it was a good party...  and we may have jumped in the pool fully dressed after the rehearsal dinner (sober) just for fun, including all the bridesmaids... and the mother of the bride too... loved it!)

Emma and I before stepping out the door for the ceremony.

1 comment:

simply sue said...

Sweeeeet Dress LJ - softball season certainly agrees with you. I'm missing you my dear you, ma-i-l