Luckily it was more amusing than a reality check for me (and most people I think. Seriously, who really eats that stuff more than once?) I have to admit... I would TOTALLY try a deep fried Oreo with sprinkles... Just one.
I LOVE oreos. Mostly the Oreo creme. One time in high school my good friends Mariya and Ariyl (who were in home ec. class) had to make a pie, and they chose an Oreo crust. Now this was before the days of premade Oreo crusts. So they took two packages of Oreos, and scraped the cream filling out of ALL OF THEM in order to obtain a cookie crumble. And then they proceeded to give me a container filled with all that white goodness at break. YUM. Well that's what I thought then because I love the cream so much. Looking back it was maybe not so good for me... but when you only weigh 98 lbs you don't worry about it I guess :) And I only made it through about a third before throwing it away... It is a good memory though. Thanks girls.
Let me just leave you with these photos of my husband. Think I should submit it to the website?
okay so...most of those photos from the fried site make me gag a little...sseriously folks...like that porkgasam...or the meat in the loaf....uuuggg gives me a tummy ache just looking at it!
however, i can't help but kinda want a deep fried bit of guacamole...i love me some guac!
and also...i've heard those pizza cones are supposed to be the next big thing in fast food b/c folks want an alternative to burgers on the go...
that burger steve is enjoying looks divine...it reminds me of the one he was telling us about when we went to tug boat annies....
I think that IS the burger he was telling us about at Tugboat Annie's...
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